Three new publications on DNA-Barcoding of butterflies


Dear barcoding-community,
we would like to point out three papers already published in 2015 concerning Barcoding of Austrian Lepidopterae:

Early in the year P. Huemer and P.D.N Hebert presented a Barcode library containing 1489 species of butterflies from Vorarlberg. 36 species were new to the province of Vorarlberg, while two species were newly recorded for Austria.



A further study revised the taxonomy of the genus Kessleria. An integrative approach, combining morphology and DNA-Barcoding, supported the existence of 29 European species, five of these were newly described.



The third publication presented the new moth species Callisto basistrigella from the south-eastern Alps. The species can be morphologically and genetically differentiated from its sister species C. coffeella. Both species co-occur sympatrically without evidence of admixture.
