On the first weekend in July, the ABOL-BioBlitz was a guest at the GEO Day of Biodiversity in the Geopark Karawanken, this year for the first time in southern Carinthia. After the welcome and introductory words in Bleiburg, the Globasnitzbachtal was investigated in the afternoon and evening of the first day.… Read more

Parallel to the Day of Biodiversity in the Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald, ABOL was represented for the third time at the ÖEG insect camp from June 6th to 9th. Like ABOL, the insect camp also celebrated its 10th anniversary this year, and this year it took place in the Karwendel Nature Reserve in Tyrol.… Read more

Thanks to the Biodiversity Fund projects ABOL-RefDat and GeMonA+, our ABOL team at the Natural History Museum Vienna grew at the beginning of 2024 and the first BioBlitzes were a good opportunity to support data collection and networking in the biodiversity community.

This year’s Day of Biodiversity of the Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald took place in Vienna-Liesing, at the same time part of the ABOL team traveled to the ÖEG insect camp in the Karwendel Nature Reserve.… Read more

With their many ABOL activities, the Graz partners have achieved
2nd place in this year’s Silberdistel (Styria’s Biodiversity Prize)!
https://www.silberdistel.at/preistraeger-2024/ (in GERMAN only)

We are delighted and congratulate you!  🤩Read more

ABOL reference data (ABOL-RefDat) – call for project collaboration!

We are very pleased that the ABOL-RefDat project, funded by the Biodiversity Fund, started at the beginning of the year!

Our goal? The creation of at least 5,000 DNA barcodes for at least 1,500 Austrian species of animals, plants and fungi, as well as closing data gaps in Austria!… Read more

“Together on the way out of the biodiversity crisis” was the title of the Biodiversity Days 2023 from November 8th to 10th, which took place at BOKU Vienna.
In 9 sessions, different aspects of the biodiversity crisis and different actors were addressed.… Read more

Due to last year’s great success, the 2nd DNA barcoding workshop took place in September at the University of Zambia (UNZA) in the capital Lusaka.
As part of the OeAD project “Inventorying biodiversity in the tropics: Establishing a DNA-barcoding pipeline for characterizing and monitoring Zambia’s biodiversity” led by the University of Graz (Stephan Koblmüller and Lukas Zangl) and participation by ABOL and Prof.… Read more

Last Saturday (October 7th), ABOL was represented together with the Central Research Laboratories at the Long Night of Museums in the Natural History Museum Vienna. Visitors were able to find out more about ABOL, DNA barcoding and DNA-based research in general from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m.… Read more

This year’s ABOL BioBlitz series was completed with the Day of Biodiversity in the Hohe Tauern National Park on the Deferegger sunny side in East Tyrol. As in previous years, the weather this weekend was rather bad. At least this year we had some sunny windows in which flying insects, especially bumblebees, hoverflies and butterflies could be observed.… Read more

TdA Nockberge - Bärengrube. Photo: O. Macek

On July 7 and 8, the ABOL team was present at two simultaneous events: the Day of Biodiversity in Tyrol and the GEO-Day of Nature in Carinthia.

At the Day of Biodiversity in Tyrol, in Leutasch, four very different and exciting study areas were examined for their biodiversity.… Read more