On the first weekend in July, the ABOL-BioBlitz was a guest at the GEO Day of Biodiversity in the Geopark Karawanken, this year for the first time in southern Carinthia. After the welcome and introductory words in Bleiburg, the Globasnitzbachtal was investigated in the afternoon and evening of the first day.… Read more

Thanks to the Biodiversity Fund projects ABOL-RefDat and GeMonA+, our ABOL team at the Natural History Museum Vienna grew at the beginning of 2024 and the first BioBlitzes were a good opportunity to support data collection and networking in the biodiversity community.

This year’s Day of Biodiversity of the Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald took place in Vienna-Liesing, at the same time part of the ABOL team traveled to the ÖEG insect camp in the Karwendel Nature Reserve.… Read more

Hochstaudenflur, Kölnbreinsperre, TdA Hohe Tauern. Foto: M. Sonnleitner

Once again this year, the Biodiversity Day in the National Park Hohe Tauern was not accompanied by good weather. With gusts of wind, cold, rain and occasional windows of sunshine, dedicated experts collected biodiversity data again last weekend – this year in the Carinthian part of the National Park in the Maltatal.… Read more

Geo-Tag Nockberge 2022; St. Lorenzen at Reichenau. Photo: C. Leeb

This year’s GEO Nature Day in the Nockberge Biosphere Reserve was dedicated to wet habitats around St. Lorenzen ob Reichenau. Consequently, there was also some moisture from above on the first day – the herpetologists thanked them with proof of the complete amphibian inventory, with alpine salamander, alpine newt, common toad and common frog.… Read more

One goal of ABOL is to promote taxonomic knowledge. What could be more obvious than participate in the ÖEG insect camp. For this reason, a BioBlitze took place for the first time this year apart from days of biodiversity. The four-day camp was from 23.6.… Read more

Dear ABOL community

We are pleased to announce that our first joint publication on the ABOL BioBlitzes has been published in Acta ZooBot (link). In this context, the DNA barcoding datasets from the BioBlitzes 2019 and 2020 were released in BOLD, the international DNA barcoding platform, and are now available to everyone (download: dx.doi.org/10.5883/DS-ABOLBB19Read more

In Tyrol, ABOL was once again able to participate in the Day of Biodiversity with a BioBlitz Initiative. Selected areas in the Nature Park Kaunergrat were examined – from wet to dry, lean meadows to bog areas, boulder fields, alpine meadows and alpine grasslands.… Read more

For the third time, ABOL was able to participate at the Day of Biodiversity in the Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald with a BioBlitz action. Around 70 biodiversity experts explored the Eichgraben municipal area on June 18th and 19th, 2021 in order to record as much fauna, flora and funga species as possible.… Read more

This year the popular Citizen Science Campaign City Nature Challenge will again take place – from April 30th to May 3rd, 2021. Cities and urban regions can register for the international biodiversity event and compete against each other in order to observe and document as many species of animals, plants or fungi as possible.… Read more