Tag Archive for: ABOL

Dear ABOL community,

First of all a thank you to all participants of our ABOL meeting. This year we decided for the first time for accompanying workshops – thank you for the stimulating discussions, we hope to be able to offer such events again soon. A special thanks to all presenters for the thrilling contributions. This allowed us to get a good overview of what is already running and what is possible with DNA barcoding.

Thanks to all for the many, positive feedback. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and hope for fruitful cooperation next year.

Our picture gallery gives a small impression of the two days at the NHM (photo credits: A. Schumacher, M. Sonnleitner, should anyone not agree with the publication of one or more pictures, please send an email to abol@nhm-wien.ac.at) ,

Best regards, your ABOL team

Dear ABOL community and biodiversity enthusiasts,

the program of this years´ABOL meeting is now complete and can be downloaded here: program-ABOL-meeting2018.

For further information please visit our conference website!

We are happy that so many people have registered and hope for productive workshops and an exciting symposium!

Your ABOL coordination team



Dear ABOL community and biodiversity enthusiasts,

This year’s ABOL meeting will take place on 6th and 7th December 2018 at the Natural History Museum Vienna.

The REGISTRATION PERIOD has been extended until 31st October 2018 !

Please register for the workshops (on 6th December) and for the scientific conference (on 7th December) via e-mail to abol@nhm-wien.ac.at.

There are still open slots for talks at the conference! Please submit abstracts for talks and posters to the above mentioned e-mail address.

Further information about the conference can be found on our website: https://www.abol.ac.at/en/abol-meeting-2018/

Please pass the information on to interested parties!

We look forward to your participation!

The ABOL coordination team



We are pleased to announce that under the lead of the University of Graz (Dr. Stephan Koblmüller) in cooperation with the Universalmuseum Joanneum (Mag. Wolfgang Paill) and the Ökoteam as economic partner (Dr. Werner Holzinger) another ABOL project has started. In the BRIDGE-1 project BIO-PLANBAR (FFG, BMVIT) the use of DNA barcoding for more efficient species identification in the context of conservation conformity of planning processes of major construction projects will be investigated.

In order to estimate the impact of construction projects on local fauna and flora, a very good knowledge of the organisms is required. As a rule, certain indicator groups are used for this purpose. DNA barcoding might simplify and accelerate the step of species identification and complement classical morphological methods, especially in juveniles, larval stages and eggs. However, the prerequisite for this is as comprehensive high quality reference database. This will be generated and/or completed within the project for relevant groups of animals (for example, bugs, cicadas, spiders, ground beetles).

More information can be found here.

Congratulations to the successful project applicants!

The ABOL coordination team

Dear ABOL community and biodiversity enthusiasts,

As we have already announced, this year’s ABOL meeting will take place on 6th and 7th of December at the Natural History Museum Vienna.

The first day of the conference (6.12.) is dedicated to the practice this year. Two workshops will be held – in the morning we want to address species connoisseurs with the topic “Collecting for ABOL – ABOL for collectors” (-> info sheet in German); the workshop “Biodiversity Monitoring with DNA: From Research to Application” in the afternoon is aimed at stakeholders, users and scientists (-> info sheet in German).
Both workshops will be held in German.

The scientific part on 7.12. takes place in English. We ask for submission of abstracts for talks and posters! (E-Mail to abol@nhm-wien.ac.at)

Participation in the workshops is free of charge! The conference fee for the scientific symposium on 7.12. is
EUR 20, – (payable locally, free for students).
We ask you to register until October 15, 2018 (also for participation in the workshops!)

On our conference website (-> www.abol.ac.at/abol-meeting-2018) all information about the conference are collected and updated!

We look forward to exciting contributions and an interesting conference!

Your ABOL coordination team

Dear ABOL community and interested people!

the registration for our annual ABOL meeting, which takes place on December, 6th and 7th at the Natural History Museum Vienna, is now open. Please send an e-mail to abol@nhm-wien.ac.at. This year talks and poster can be submitted. Please send your abstract to abol@nhm-wien.ac.at.

On Thursday, 6th, a workshop on the subject “eDNA and metabarcoding” will be held, which addresses stakeholder and users. Additionally a workshop for collectors and citizen scientists will be provided.

On Friday, 7th, talks and poster session take place (we ask for abstract submissions, see above).

The conference fee of 20 EUR can be paid on site. Sudents free!

Please save the date and share this information!

Best wishes,

your ABOL team

Dear ABOL community,

this year´s ABOL meeting will take place on 06-07 of December 2018 at the Natural History Museum Vienna. On Thursday 06 of December we want to organize a workshop on “eDNA and metabarcoding”, which is aimed at stakeholders. On Friday, scientific talks address the professional audience and the interested public.

Please save the date! Further information will be given in time.

Best wishes,

the ABOL-Team

Our this year´s annual meeting ABOL4 took place on October 20th, 2017 under a number of lucky stars! Firstly, good news from the Federal Ministry of Research, Science and Economy came just in time: The coordination of ABOL is going to be funded for the next three years! Thus, co-ordination of the numerous currently running projects, filling of the reference networking among research groups can go on, as well as the acquisition of new funds for DNA barcoding projects. Secondly, looking back at the pilot phase revealed that the vast majority of aims was achieved and even surpassed in many aspects. Thirdly, all contributions and discussions at the meeting were instructive and constructive, inducing all in all an optimistic mood.

Except for two public talks ABOL4 was held in English. We had the great pleasure to hear contributions from the growing number of international partners. The plenary lecture was given by Sujeevan Ratnasingham, chief architect of BOLD, the international DNA barcoding data base. We likewise could hear about the first achievements of CROBOL, our sister initiative in Croatia. Already from the start we have a fruitful cooperation, which hopefully will grow in the following years. Being held in English ABOL4 opened up also to international members of Austrian research institutes.

The meeting was restricted to a single day to avoid conflicts with simultaneously held events. During the preparation of the meeting we were confronted with the pending decision regarding the financing of the ABOL coordination. Fortunately, our optimistic way to look into the future payed off and four days before the meeting we received a positive decision.

We again want to acknowledge the back-up from the Natural History Museum of Vienna. Together with our sponsors, it allowed for planning this 4th annual meeting. Our main thanks goes to the 130 participants of the meeting. You were the brightest among all the good stars. Thanks for coming and we are looking forward to see you again soon!


Dear ABOL friends and colleagues interested in biodiversity,

the ABOL meeting will take place in two weeks! With pleasure we announce the final program.

Some changes concerning the speakers had to be made. Unfortunately, Paul Hebert had to cancel his attendance. But,  we are happy to welcome Sujeevan Ratnasingham (Univ. of Guelph, Chief Architect of BOLD) who will give the keynote lecture “Biodiversity & Citizen Science in the Genomics Era”. Further details of the program you find in the attachment.

We kindly ask you to register as soon as possible to help us with planning.

Poster presentations are also welcome. Please contact Michaela Sonnleitner by e-mail (abol.msonnleitner@gmail.com)

The registration fee of EUR15,- can be paid on site (students free).

Looking forward to a lively meeting,
your ABOL-Team


Dear ABOL community & all interested people,

the preliminary program of the this year´s ABOL meeting is now available and can be downloaded here: program-abol-meeting2017

The meeting takes place on 20th of October 2017 at the Natural History Museum of Vienna.

We are happy to announce a keynote-lecture of Prof. Paul Hebert (University of Guelph, Canada), the “father” of DNA barcoding. Talks on running projects, a panel discussion and two public talks in german will complete the program.
Please register until the 15th of October by e-mail to Michaela Sonnleitner (abol.msonnleitner@gmail.com).
We are happy if you contribute a poster – just send us an abstract!

The small contribution fee of € 15.- you can pay on-site while registering (free for students).

We look forward to a lively meeting,
your ABOL team
