ABOL meeting – final agenda


Dear ABOL friends and colleagues interested in biodiversity,

the ABOL meeting will take place in two weeks! With pleasure we announce the final program.

Some changes concerning the speakers had to be made. Unfortunately, Paul Hebert had to cancel his attendance. But,  we are happy to welcome Sujeevan Ratnasingham (Univ. of Guelph, Chief Architect of BOLD) who will give the keynote lecture “Biodiversity & Citizen Science in the Genomics Era”. Further details of the program you find in the attachment.

We kindly ask you to register as soon as possible to help us with planning.

Poster presentations are also welcome. Please contact Michaela Sonnleitner by e-mail (abol.msonnleitner@gmail.com)

The registration fee of EUR15,- can be paid on site (students free).

Looking forward to a lively meeting,
your ABOL-Team
