Sensitivity of eDNA detection of cercaria dermatitis pathogens in Upper Austrian lakes
Cercariae are infectious larvae of trematods, which develop in snails and, after hatching, infect other intermediate hosts or the final hosts. Certain cercariae (e.g. Trichobilharzia species) can cause cercaria dermatitis, also called swimmer´s itch.
The pilot study carried out in 2019 for the detection of cercaria dermatitis pathogens in Upper Austria bathing lakes by means of DNA barcoding was used to develop the basis for the genetic detection of cercariae dermatitis pathogens using the DNA barcoding approach. In the follow-up project 2020, the primers for the detection of Trichobilharzia species and thus the detection of pathogens in water samples (eDNA) are to be optimized. In addition, the temporal and spatial sensitivity of the method should be examined and DNA barcodes generated from new species.

Hubert Blatterer, Hans-Peter Grasser, Wolfgang Heinisch, Florian Billinger (Department of Water Management of Upper Austria)
Nikolaus Helmer, Christoph Hörweg, Helmut Sattmann, Luise Kruckenhauser, Michael Duda, Susanne Reier (NHM Vienna)

Otto Eerikki Seppälä (University Innsbruck)
Petr Horak (Charles University in Prague)
Jana Bulantová (Charles University in Prague)
Project status: completed (Start: 1.1.2020)

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