DNA-Barcoding of primarily wingless insects (Protura, Diplura, Archaeognatha and Zygentoma)
In many groups of soil arthropods our knowledge is still very limited, albeit these groups, due to their very low dispersal abilities are ideal models for many scientific questions, including biogeography.
119 individuals from 21 proturan species from Austria were investigated in projects with cooperation partners and are freely accessible on BOLD.
26 DNA barcodes from three types of Diplura, as well as 68 DNA barcodes from probably 9 types of bristletails are still waiting to be published – there is a high probability that there are two new species for science.
Project status: active

Mag. Daniela Bartel
University of Vienna
Dr. Nikolaus Szucsich
NHM Vienna
Oliver Macek
NHM Vienna
Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Günther Pass
University of Vienna

Cooperation Archaeognatha
Dr. Thomas Dejaco
University of Innsbruck
Dr. Wolfgang Arthofer
University of Innsbruck
Add-on project of the FWF-Project 23251-B17: “The most ancient splits in insect phylogeny: Relationships among primarily wingless hexapods”