NOENO: Noctuoidea of Lower Austria
Lower Austria impresses with an astonishing biodiversity especially for lepidoptera. In an European perspective Austria holds the enormous number of 4.000 species and 3.500 are part of Lower Austrias biodiversity! The objective project contains the genetic investigation of 750 specimen primarily from the Noctuoidea group. On one hand this is substantial input to the pilot project „butterflies & moths“ for eastern Austria. On the other hand this project is the start of building up a comprehensive database of Lower Austrias lepidoptera (butterflies).
The Landessammlungen Niederösterreich (collections of the state of Lower Austria) take an important step to research and document biodiversity. This scientific work is basic for effective nature conservation.

Project Leader
DI Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Stark
Ökoplus Umweltforschung und Consulting GmbH

Gerhard Rotheneder (photo technics)
Mag. Dr. Peter Huemer; Benjamin Wiesmair, MA Mag. Hannes Kühtreiber
Tiroler Landesmuseen Betriebsges.m.b.H.
The project is funded by Landessammlungen Niederösterreich and Ökoplus and co-funded by iBOL. Data are part of the international barcode database BOLD.
Project status: completed