DNA Barcoding of black Caloplaca species (lichenized Ascomycetes, Teloschistaceae)
The lichen genus Caloplaca is represented with numerous species in Austria. While many of the species are forming yellow to orange pigments, dark pigmented species are specialists forming crusts on exposed rocks. These extremotolerant forms are particularly difficult to classify by phenotypic approaches. In this project we aim to disentangle species of lichenized fungi which may be results of parallel morphological evolution.

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Helmut Mayrhofer
University of Graz
Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr Martin Grube
University of Graz
Fernando Fernandez
University of Graz
Add-on Project of the FWF-Project P 26359: Hyperdiversity of Extremotolerant Fungal Symbioses.