DNA barcoding and survey of dragonflies in Vienna

Cordulegaster heros (c) Iris Fischer
The overall objective of the project was the survey of the dragonfly fauna in the rural areas of Vienna, with special focus on the two FFH species Balkan Goldenring (Cordulegaster heros) and Yellow Spotted Whiteface (Leucorrhinia pectoralis).
Within the project 48 species were found at 42 water bodies, whereby 26 of these species are listed as endangered in the Austrian Red List. One highlight was the first detection of Leucorrhinia albifrons for Vienna, a species that is considered as “threatened with extinction” in Austria. During the field work 198 individuals from 45 species were collected and are now available as DNA barcode on BOLD. Based on this reference database, a molecular genetic determination method for dragonfly exuviae of all Central European dragonfly families was established and tested with 85 exuviae. With the species-specific DNA barcodes the species determination was possible in 83 cases. In addition, an environmental DNA (eDNA) pilot study was conducted in which filtrates from water samples served as DNA source. The method was established for the detection of five dragonfly species (Cordulegaster heros, Leucorrhinia pectoralis, Calopteryx virgo, Erythromma viridulum and Sympetrum sanguineum). In 25 of 43 analysed samples at least one of the five species could be detected via eDNA barcoding.
Both the DNA analysis of the exuviae as well as the eDNA-Barcoding are non-invasive, nature conservation-appropriate methods for the investigation of dragonfly communities. Especially in dealing with species under protection with a long tradition as bioindicators, they offer a high potential to fill the gaps of knowledge of the distribution of dragonfly species and thus make an important contribution to modern biodiversity research.
Findings from the project are directly incorporated into the follow-up project “Crayfish and dragonflies in rural areas of Vienna and the potential of DNA barcoding methods for their detection and management“.

Project leader
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Elisabeth Haring
Natural History Museum Vienna, Central Research Laboratories

Univ.-Doz. Dr. Andreas Chovanec
Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management
Dr. Helmut Sattmann
Natural History Museum Vienna, Invertebrate Department
Iris Fischer, MSc
Natural History Museum Vienna, Central Research Laboratories
Marcia Sittenthaler, MSc
Natural History Museum Vienna, Central Research Laboratories
Mag. Susanne Randolf
Natural History Museum Vienna, 2nd Zoology (insects)