Alpine salamander and common wall lizard from the eastern Alps: intraspecific diversity and population structure
Alpine salamander and common wall lizard are listed in Annex IV of the Fauna-Flora-Habitat-Directive and considered as widely distributed in Austria. About half of the whole distribution range of the alpine salamander lies in Austria; therefore, Austria has a particular responsibility for the long-term survival of the species. According to the current Red List for Austria, the alpine salamander and the common wall lizard are regarded as nearly threatened and endangered, respectively. Data on intraspecific (genetic) diversity of the two species in Austria are, however, very scarce. Hence, we are currently lacking the basic data for an efficient log-term management of these species. In the frame of this project, funded by the Austrian biodiversity funds, we will generate these important data, which will, in the long term, facilitate reliable threat assessment and efficient conservation management of these species.
We focus on following specific research questions:
- Characterization of genetic diversity and population connectivity in Austrian alpine salamanders
- Documentation of occurrences of allochthonous common wall lizard in southeastern Austria and their impact on autochthonous populations

Project team:
Stephan Koblmüller (Univ. Graz)
Werner Kammel (Engineering Office for Biology, Wildon)
Eva Bernhart (Univ. Graz)
Raphael Schmid (Univ. Graz)
Sylvia Schäffer (Univ. Graz)

Project status: active
This project is funded by the Austrian Biodiversity Fund of the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology.
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