
New projects!

Dear ABOL community, dear colleagues,

Despite the fact that our lives have changed drastically in the past few weeks, we would like to inform you about four new projects that have recently started:

The follow-up project on Cercaria dermatitis (swimmer´s itch) started already in December. In the project the detection of cercariae via eDNA is optimized and examined for temporal and spatial sensitivity -> read more.
In the project Crayfish and dragonflies of Vienna the focus is on the routine detection of indigenous and invasive crayfish, as well as selected dragonfly species using eDNA barcoding and the application potential of this method in ecological assessment and monitoring -> read more.
In Lower Austria, DNA barcodes of butterflies are created, whereby priority is given to the difficult group of Microlepidoptera and species relevant to nature conservation in order to complement the already excellent data basis for butterflies -> read more.
In another project, DNA barcodes of insects relevant to forest entomology are generated from the BFW collection. The forests are under increasing pressure due to climate change and the spread of invasive species. Therefore, the early detection of potential harmful organisms is of particular importance. Here DNA barcoding can make a valuable contribution, since larval stages of insects can also be determined -> read more.

We are also pleased to announce that the DNA barcoding of Austrian amphibian and reptile species has been completed and published -> read here!

All the best and stay healthy,
the ABOL coordination team