ABOL meeting 2018 - registration extended!
The REGISTRATION PERIOD has been extended until 31st October 2018 ! Please register for the workshops (on 6th December) and for the scientific conference (on 7th December) via e-mail to abol@nhm-wien.ac.at.
There are still open slots for talks at the conference! Please submit abstracts for talks and posters to the above mentioned e-mail address.
Please pass the information on to interested parties!
We look forward to your participation!
The ABOL coordination team
Exhibition "Hotspot Mur. Concealed emeralds" extended!
Due to the great success, the special exhibition "Hotspot Mur. Concealed emeralds" at the Natural History Museum Graz, Joanneum has been extended to 9.12.2018. The exhibition is dedicated to the partly rare animal and plant species of the river Mur and the floodplains beyond. The newly discovered and recently published fish species Romanogobio skywalkeri (emerald gudgeon) occurs only in some sections of the Mur. Read more
BIO-PLANBAR, a new ABOL project
We are pleased to announce that under the lead of the University of Graz (Dr. Stephan Koblmüller) in cooperation with the Universalmuseum Joanneum (Mag. Wolfgang Paill) and the Ökoteam as economic partner (Dr. Werner Holzinger) another ABOL project has started. In the BRIDGE-1 project BIO-PLANBAR (FFG, BMVIT) the use of DNA barcoding for more efficient species identification in the context of conservation conformity of planning processes of major construction projects will be investigated. Read more
8th International Barcode of Life Conference
Next year the the global barcoding community is meeting in Trondheim, Norway at the 8th iBOL conference. If you are interested to join, please save the 17.-20. June 2019 in your calendar. The conference website is already online. Under http://dnabarcodes2019.org/ you will find information about the venue and the key data for the conference. We hope to see as many of you in Trondheim!
New literatur on DNA barcoding
Who does not know them from the own garden, the Spanish slug? A study at the BOKU Vienna showed that Citizen Scientists can contribute to investigate the abundance of slugs of the genus Arion in private gardens... and publications of other recent studies you find here