The >>Days of Biodiversity 2023<< are getting closer. Tickets for ONLINE participation are still available! ATTENTION: the morning sessions (9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m./10:30 a.m.) are freely accessible (as long as there is space or via stream)! The 3 days are dedicated to different topics of the biodiversity crisis and the challenges of overcoming it. Nikola Szucsich - the ABOL manager - will lead the session "Monitoring in times of biodiversity crisis" on day 2. Various approaches to biodiversity monitoring are examined there - especially the perspectives of science, users, political actors and society. Here https://biodiversitaetstage.boku.ac.at/sessions/ you can find more information about the sessions!
ABOL at the Long Night of Museums
On Saturday, October 7th, ABOL was represented together with the Central Research Laboratories at the Long Night of Museums in the Natural History Museum Vienna. Visitors were able to find out more about ABOL, DNA barcoding and DNA-based research in general from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. In the mobile lab, DNA was extracted from tomatoes using simple tools and …
DNA barcoding workshop at the University of Zambia 2.0
Due to last year's great success, the 2nd DNA barcoding workshop took place in September at the University of Zambia (UNZA) in the capital Lusaka. As part of the OeAD project “Inventorying biodiversity in the tropics: Establishing a DNA-barcoding pipeline for characterizing and monitoring Zambia’s biodiversity” led by the University of Graz (Stephan Koblmüller and Lukas Zangl) and participation by ABOL and …