We would like to draw attention to some events in 2022:
City Nature Challenge (CNC) 2022: 29.4.-2.5.2022
This year, 11 Austrian regions and cities are taking part in the annual city competition in biodiversity, more than ever before. Therefore, everyone should find a preferred location to participate! The NHM Vienna and ABOL are involved in the organization of the Vienna CNC for the first time this year!
ABOL BioBlitz 2022 at the Days of Biodiversity
ABOL will again be present at the Days of Biodiversity (TdA) this year and will generate DNA barcodes from the animals collected and determined. We look forward to active participation from experts! The following events are already known (more will follow):
There will also be a separate page on the ABOL website! Please stop by!
7th Nationalparks Austria Symposium for Research in Protected Areas: September 7-9, 2022 in Vienna
ABOL is also represented with a session - please submit talks on the topics of DNA barcoding or genetic methods in monitoring or similar in the themed session "Assessing biodiversity-foundations and methodological innovations"! If you are submitting an ABOL-related talk or poster, please let us know so we can keep up to date! The deadline is already March 11th. There is more information -> here.
International Conference on DNA Barcoding and Biodiversity (ICDBB): May 25-27, 2022
in Sofia, Bulgaria. Abstracts can be submitted until March 11th! More information is available -> here.
Lobau Symposium with the title "The Lobau shall live - water for the floodplain, knowledge and perspectives of science" at the Natural History Museum Vienna on April, 27th & 28th. More information is coming soon.