Liebe ABOL-Community und DNA-Barcoding Interessierte,
wir möchten Euch/Sie informieren, dass gerade eine Europäische Dachorganisation für DNA-Barcoding im Entstehen ist, die die Zusammenarbeit in Europa im Bereich des DNA-Barcodings forcieren soll.
Man kann dem Netzwerk bereits beitreten und zwar als Person oder als Institution (in letzterem Fall durch eine vertretungsbefugte Person). ABOL ist schon durch Nikola vertreten.
Bitte möglichst zahlreich beitreten!
Das Netzwerk wird auch versuchen an EU-Gelder zu kommen – wer da mitarbeiten will, ist herzlichst eingeladen.
Das Kickoff Meeting hat bereits stattgefunden und kann hier angeschaut werden. Passcode: Jw#HnD%3
Im folgenden Auszug aus einem Mail von Edwin van Huis (dem Direktor von Naturalis in Leiden, das den Lead übernommen hat) werden die nächsten Schritte dargestellt:
1. Inviting people to formally join the network – either as individuals, projects/networks, or organizations
We aim to keep the governance and formalities of this very light at present and we are simply asking people to sign up to the network as a means of keeping in touch and working together. As noted at the kick-off meeting, we will move to more formal governance structures in the future as the momentum for BIOSCAN Europe continues to build.
2. Inviting people to help shape the network, by joining an interim working group Here we are looking for individuals willing to spend a few hours per week helping shape the network and contribute to specific tasks and activities including strategic development, communications/social media, developing content for the website, organizing online events, etc.
3. Registering notes of interest in joining a consortium to bid for funding under the forthcoming Horizon Europe Topic - European participation in global biodiversity genomics endeavors aimed at identifying all biodiversity on Earth At this point, we are collecting notes of interest, and we will then follow up with all interested parties with a framework for how the bid might be structured, and a process for assembling expertise, ideas, and input, ultimately leading to the establishment of a bidding consortium.
To gather this information in a structured fashion we have compiled a short form that should take just a few minutes to complete. Please complete the form and we will follow up shortly to keep things moving forward -> https://www.cognitoforms.com/DiSSCo1/bioscaneuropejoiningthenetwork